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Environment Metrics

Section 1

Air Emissions Management

  • ᵃ Gross Basis
  • ᵃ 2021 process emissions include bolt-on acreage in the Eagle Ford.
  • ᵇ Tonnage by source is gross and does not include impact from offset retirement.
  • ᵃ Greenhouse gas (GHG) carbon dioxide equivalent (CO₂e) emissions are based on carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from Marathon Oil-operated facilities only.
  • ᵇ UK assets divested in 2019.
  • ᶜ 2021 value is net GHG, incorporating 12,500 MT of retired REDD+ offsets for each asset and REC offset for Scope 2 emissions.
  • ᵃ UK assets divested in 2019.
  • ᵇ Increase in 2020 was due to a counting discrepancy discovered during in-housing of the GHG inventory, and production decline.
  • ᶜ When compared to historic performance, the profile of emissions sources shifted substantially due to focused efforts to reduce associated gas flaring in the Bakken. Increased percentages in other areas don’t reflect an increase in emissions from that source, rather a composition change over a smaller total emissions base.
Section 2

Water Management

  • ᵃ Generally, water use and water withdrawal are the same except for small differences due to evaporation from company owned and operated ponds.
  • ᵃ Improved source water testing in the Permian as operations have matured post-acquisition has allowed for better classification of water quality.
  • ᵇ Reduction in water consumption in 2020 and 2021 is largely due to a lower level of completion activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • ᵃ Reduction in water consumption in 2020 and 2021 is largely due to a lower level of completion activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Section 3

Spill Prevention

  • ᵃ Data includes spills outside of secondary containment ≥ 1 barrel.
  • ᵇ ~47,500 barrels of 2019 total spill volume was produced water.

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